Friday, July 13, 2007


--before I start breaking out into Destiny's Child, I haven't slept (reading too much -_-) so I was thinking of a few questions to ask Dr. Ruane at some point. Or maybe I'll just link him here later on when the medicine from the dentist wears off and I'm thinking straight. Not that he's used to me making sense...

  1. Internet referrences. Do y'all (y'all meaning professors) like 'em? Do I need 'em? How many?
  2. How many referrences do I need total?
  3. This is double spaced, right?
  4. I was thinking either sagas and hero cycles or Norse Myth and Christanity. Doable? Am I crazy? The latter is means I'm going to have to go to church or find Father Bailey. I haven't been in quite some time. ::cue lightning bolt:: Rather, that's Catholic er which is a branch but I'm guessing by 1100 there weren't any *other* branches...I guess that's more research in store ;_;
  5. If I DID do the hero cycle thing, would I just be saying like how closely they resemble Mr. Campbell's circle or how they didn't?
  6. Some of these sagas have a *really* gray area as to what is myth and what ain't. So is it safe to assume that if it doesn't include the Norse Pantheon, it's a saga?
  7. How long is this? 50 pages? 100?
  8. If I'm just doing myths or sagas, do I have to do major research on Norse/Viking home life? Or just focus fire on the sagas and the myths?
  9. Is this MLA, APA, or that Chicago-style format that Dr. Taylor was talking about?
  10. Does anybody have any idea on how to correctly pronounce some of this stuff? Half of it looks like the alphabet threw up and I don't want to look
  11. How soon do I need a thesis statement (Read: how soon is it before I freak out?)
  12. Can I include pictures? Can I draw my own if I can't find any? :)


So I picked up some 'Nordic Religion in the Viking Age' books. *Squee!* They smell like book, it's so great! Like old paper and glue.

I have my quirks. Leave me alone =P

My new stack came from USF and Florida Southern, which both have HUGE lirbaries. You'd think that FIT would have something on paar w/ atleast FS but nooo. It'd be nice if we had more than 6 books on the Norse/Vikings but it's a tech school and it's filled with IEEE stuff. Not that there's anything wrong w/ IEEE.

Anyways, I found out I could do interlibrary loans from FIT from those two--just have to request them. As for the books from Dunedin, eh, that's going to be tougher. I could ask my grandma to go get them but that's like asking her to do quantum physics -_-;.

Wow, seeing how well this is flowing, I'm going to get a nap before I actually do notes so they make sense.

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