- Internet referrences. Do y'all (y'all meaning professors) like 'em? Do I need 'em? How many?
- How many referrences do I need total?
- This is double spaced, right?
- I was thinking either sagas and hero cycles or Norse Myth and Christanity. Doable? Am I crazy? The latter is means I'm going to have to go to church or find Father Bailey. I haven't been in quite some time. ::cue lightning bolt:: Rather, that's Catholic er which is a branch but I'm guessing by 1100 there weren't any *other* branches...I guess that's more research in store ;_;
- If I DID do the hero cycle thing, would I just be saying like how closely they resemble Mr. Campbell's circle or how they didn't?
- Some of these sagas have a *really* gray area as to what is myth and what ain't. So is it safe to assume that if it doesn't include the Norse Pantheon, it's a saga?
- How long is this? 50 pages? 100?
- If I'm just doing myths or sagas, do I have to do major research on Norse/Viking home life? Or just focus fire on the sagas and the myths?
- Is this MLA, APA, or that Chicago-style format that Dr. Taylor was talking about?
- Does anybody have any idea on how to correctly pronounce some of this stuff? Half of it looks like the alphabet threw up and I don't want to look dumb...er.
- How soon do I need a thesis statement (Read: how soon is it before I freak out?)
- Can I include pictures? Can I draw my own if I can't find any? :)
So I picked up some 'Nordic Religion in the Viking Age' books. *Squee!* They smell like book, it's so great! Like old paper and glue.
I have my quirks. Leave me alone =P
My new stack came from USF and Florida Southern, which both have HUGE lirbaries. You'd think that FIT would have something on paar w/ atleast FS but nooo. It'd be nice if we had more than 6 books on the Norse/Vikings but it's a tech school and it's filled with IEEE stuff. Not that there's anything wrong w/ IEEE.
Anyways, I found out I could do interlibrary loans from FIT from those two--just have to request them. As for the books from Dunedin, eh, that's going to be tougher. I could ask my grandma to go get them but that's like asking her to do quantum physics -_-;.
Wow, seeing how well this is flowing, I'm going to get a nap before I actually do notes so they make sense.
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