Monday, July 23, 2007

In a few...

Because I've been spending all of my time packing for Ohio, I haven't had much time to update and I read what I can. I think I'm starting to get the main pantheon of Gods seperated but as far as the wee ones and their wives and such, it's still a drag.

I took hand written notes on the "Religion of Ancient Scandinavia" so now i have to find where I left the consarnit tablet. I've been scanning through the rest of the books because they have to go back soon but I'm going to post their name, titles, and information here so when I get to shcool, I can find them.

Yeah, I bit off a little more than I can chew =P. Atleast for the time I was schedualed to have the books.

But I'm bringing some Joseph Campbell on the plane so it should be alright. I think.

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